中英文版房屋租赁合同范本下载 Rental agreement in Chinese and English for free download,合同范本免费下载,合同修改,合同审查

Please confirm that before the contract is entered into, you have read the terms and conditions of this contract carefully and understand and accept such terms and conditions. Fully informed at the same time, our company’s agent has informed you of the relevant information on the entry into of the “House Leasing Contract”.
2.如您交予我公司经办入钱款,为了保障您的权益, 应要求我公司经办人开具带有我公司财务专用章的对应金额的收据, 此交款凭证为证明您交款的唯一凭证, 您应妥善保留好此交款凭证, 我公司不认可任何没有我公司财务专用章的收据或者收条。
Where you have handed over any money to our company’s agent, in order to guarantee your rights and interest, you shall require our company’s agent to issue the voucher in the relevant amount and affixed with the special seal of our company for finance. As the sole voucher for the payment made by you, you shall keep such payment voucher properly.
3.如您与我公司经办人签署任何关千合同条款外的约定, 均须以补允协议的方式确认, 并且须加盖我公司合同专用章方可生效
Any other agreement than the terms and conditions of the contract to be entered into between you and our company’s agent shall be confirmed by means of the supplemental agreement, and shall not become valid without the special seal of our company for contract.。
4.请确认针对合同内容, 如下几点内容您已仔细阅读并已理解且接受:
Please confirm that with regard to the contents of the contract, you have read the following items carefully, and have understood and accepted such items:
合同履行期间, 如果您需提前解除本合同的,须提前30日以书面形式通知我公司,并按合同约定向我公司支付届时双倍月租金及月服务费作为违约金, 并赔偿我公司其他相应损失(详见合同文本约定)。
During the performance of the contract, where you have to terminate this contract in advance, you shall notify our company in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance, and pay our company the penalty in the amount equal to double monthly rent and monthly service charge in such case, and make compensation for the other losses incurred to our company arising therefrom (Please see the text of the contract in detail).
房屋出租期间各项设备设施会有不同程度的损耗及老化。 您作为承租方, 您有义务做好房屋的维修维护工作,如在此期间发生房屋设备设施损坏需要维修的悄况,只须承担房屋及附属物品、设备设施因使用或人为造成的维护、 维修事宜。 如维护维修项目不在前述范围之内, 应依据谁导致谁承担的原则,由甲乙双方另行协商解决。
During the lease term of the house, the equipment and facilities will be subject to the wearing and aging to different extents. As the lessee, you are obligated to do a good job in the repair and maintenance of the house; where the repair is required for the damage to the equipment and facilities in such house occurring within such term, you shall take only the responsibility for the repair and maintenance of the house and appendages thereto, as well as the equipment and facilities due to the utilization or for any human cause. Where the repair and maintenance do no fall within the aforesaid scope, both parties shall resolve through otherwise negotiation according to the principle that the one causing such situation shall undertake the responsibility.
This contract will generate the electronic file with the electronic signature technology; whenever it is confirmed, such file shall have the same legal effect as the contract. The file shall be confirmed in the following two ways:
- Online confirmation by APP;
- Offline confirmation by signing on paper document or affixing with traditional seal.
Hotline for Service Supervision: _____________
Rental Contract
出租方: (以下简称”甲方”)
Lessor: (Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________
Party A’s Agent: _________________
Telephone: ________________
E-mail: ___________________
承租方: _________________________________(以下简称”乙方”)
Lessee: ___________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)
依据《中华人民共和国民法典》及有关法律、 法规的规定,甲、 乙双方在平等、 自愿的基础上, 就房屋租赁的有关事宜达成一致,特订立本《房屋租赁合同》(以下简称”本合同”),以兹共同遵守。
In accordance with the provisions of the “Civil Code” of the People’s Republic of China as well as the relevant laws and regulations, on an equal and voluntary basis, both parties reach the agreement on the matters concerning the house leasing, and enter into this “House Leasing Contract” (Hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”), which shall be abided by both parties.
第一条 标的房屋基本情况
Article 1: Basic conditions of underlying contract
(一)甲方同意将位于:_________市___________________的房屋(以卜简称”标的房屋”)在设备良好、可租赁的状态下租给乙方使用, 房屋交验情况以双方按本合同附件3的格式签署的《标的房屋交接确认书》为准。
Party A agrees to lease: The house located at _____________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “underlying house”) in a well-equipped and leasable condition to Party B for use; the conditions of the house upon the handover for examination shall be subject to the “Letter of Confirmation for Handover of Underlying House”, which shall be signed by both parties in the format as set forth in the Appendix 3 to the Contract.
(二)本合同项下标的房屋仅作为办公使用,不使用标的房屋办理工商注册。乙方承诺遵守国豖和本市有关房屋使用和物业管理的规定及甲方的物业管理规定。 乙方应于本合同签署前向甲方提供其拥有前述经营权的相关证明文件(包括但小限于营业执照、 特殊行业经营资质)。未经甲方书面同意并按规定报政府有关部门核准,乙方不得擅自改变上述约定的使用用途。
The underlying house under this contract shall be used only as the office. The formalities for registration for industry and commerce shall be gone through before the underlying house is put into service. Party B makes the commitment to abide by the national and municipal regulations on the house occupation and the property management as well as Party A’s regulations on property management. Party B shall provide Party A with the relevant documentary evidences (Including but not limited to the business license, and the business qualification for special industry) on the Party B’s right to operate the aforesaid house before the Contract is entered into. Without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not change the intended use as stipulated above without authorization and unless it is reported to the relevant government department for approval.
The underlying house covers a floor area of ___________ square meters.
(四)房屋的签约类型: 首次签约
Contract type of the house: Initial contract.
Article 2: Term of lease and date of delivery
(一) 本合同租赁期自_______年___月___日(以下称” 起始日”)起至______年___月____日(以下简称 “ 终止日”)止。 甲方应于本合同租赁起始日之前将标的房屋按约定条件交付给乙方。 甲方交付标的房屋标准以现场实际状况为准, 标的房屋经甲、 乙双方验收并埴写《标的房屋交接确认书》后视为交付完成, 双方同意前述确认文件作为甲方向乙方交付标的房屋和本合同终止或提前解除时乙方向甲方返还该房屋的验收依据。
The term of lease under the Contract shall start from ____________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “starting date”) and expire on __________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “expiry date”). Party A shall deliver the underlying house in the conditions as stipulated to Party B prior to the starting date of lease under the Contract. The standard for the underlying house to be delivered by Party A shall be subject to the actual conditions on site. The delivery of the underlying house shall be deemed as completed when both parties inspect and accept such house and fill in the “Letter of Confirmation for Handover of Underlying House”. Both parties agree that the aforesaid confirmation document shall be used as the basis for acceptance when Party A is delivering the underlying house to Party B and when Party B is returning such house to Party A upon the termination or early rescission of the Contract.
(二)除非甲方另行书面通知乙方,标的房屋在起始日当日(以下称”交付日”)交付给乙方。如因甲方原因未能在起始日办理标的房屋的交付手续, 则租赁期起始日及终止日相应于以顺延: 如因乙方原因未能在起始日办理标的房屋的交付手续,则视为标的房屋在起始日己经交付给乙方且自起始日起乙方应按本合同的约定支付租金、 服务费等费用。
The underlying house shall be delivered to Party B on the starting date (Hereinafter referred to as the “date of delivery”) unless Party A notifies Party B otherwise in writing. In case of the failure to go through the formalities for delivery of the underlying house on the starting date for any reason attributable to Party A, both the staring date and the expiry date of the lease term shall be postponed accordingly; in case of the failure to go through the formalities for delivery of the underlying house on the starting date for any reason attributable to Party B, the underlying house shall be deemed as delivered to Party B on the starting date, and Party B shall pay the rent, service charge, and other expenses as stipulated in the Contract from the starting date.
第三条房屋租金、 押金及服务费
Article 3: Rent, guarantee deposit, and service charge for house
(一) 房屋租金:
House rent:
House rent for the first year: RMB_______Yuan/month;
(二) 房屋租金付款方式: 租金每3个月支付一次, 先付后用。乙方应于每期房屋租金到期日前15日支付下一期房屋租金。具体支付日期及租金金额详见本合同附件2《房屋租金及押金支付明细表》。
Payment term for house rent: The rent shall be paid once every three (3) months, and shall be paid prior to the occupation. Party B shall pay the house rent for the next period at least fifteen (15) days prior to the due date of the house rent for each period. Please see the Appendix 2 “Schedule for Payment of House Rent and Guarantee Deposit” to the Contract for the specific date of payment and the amount of the rent in detail.
(三) 房屋押金:乙方支付给甲方的押金为¥__________元(大写:_________元整), 并于本合同签订当日支付。如乙方未按本合同的约定支付房租及押金的甲方有权不交付标的房屋并解除本合同。租赁期满或本合同解除后, 房屋押金除抵扣应由乙方承担的费用、租金,以及乙方应当承担的违约赔偿责任外, 剩余部分(如有)应如数无息返还,不足部分由乙方继续清偿。除上述情况之外,乙方不得要求以押金冲抵房屋租金及服务费。
Guarantee deposit for house: Party B shall pay Party A the guarantee deposit in the amount of RMB ________Yuan (In words: RMB ________ Yuan Only), which shall be paid on the day on which the Contract is entered into. Where Party B fails to pay the rent and guarantee deposit for the house as stipulated in the Contract, Party A shall have the right not to deliver the underlying house and to terminate the Contract. Upon the expiry of the lease term or the termination of the Contract, the guarantee deposit for the house shall be used to offset against the costs and rents to be paid by Party B, as well as the liquidated damage to be borne by Party B, the residual balance (If any) shall be refunded in full to Party B without the accrual of interest, and the insufficient amount shall be further paid off by Party B. Party B shall not require to offset the rent and service charge for the house with the guarantee deposit except as aforesaid.
(四) 服务费: 在本合同有效期内, 乙方同意甲方以标的房屋为载体向乙方提供房屋升级服务(包括空间设计、装修服务、办公家具配装服务等)、管理服务(包括空间保洁服务、空间维修服务、无线wifi服务等),详见附件4《管理服务项目说明》。就甲方提供的前述房屋升级服务及管理服务,乙方应向甲方支付房屋升级服务和管理服务费(以卜简称 “服务费”) 。
Service charge: Within the validity term of the Contract, Party B agrees that Party A may provide Party B with the house upgrading services (Including the space design, decoration service, office furniture assembly and installation service), and the management services (Including the space cleaning service, space maintenance service, wireless Wi-Fi service) with the underlying house as the carrier. Please see the Appendix 4 “Notes to Management Services” for details. For the aforesaid hose upgrading services and management services to be provided by Party A, Party B shall pay Party A the house upgrading service charge and the management service charge (Hereinafter referred to as the “service charge”).
The amount of the service charge is shown as follows:
首年服务费: ¥_________元/月,
The service charge for the first year: RMB ________ Yuan/month.
(五) 服务费付款方式: 服务费每3个月支付一次, 先付后用。 服务费对应的服务周期, 与房屋租金对应周期一致,且乙方应于每期服务费到期日前15日支付下一期服务费。 具体支付日期及服务费金额详见本合同附件2《房屋租金及押金支付明细表》。
Payment term for service charge: The service charge shall be paid once every three (3) months, and shall be paid prior to the use. The service period corresponding to such service charge shall be consistent with the period corresponding to the house rent. Party B shall pay the service charge for the next period at least fifteen (15) days prior to the due date of the service charge for each period. Please see the Appendix 2 “Schedule for Payment of House Rent and Guarantee Deposit” to the Contract for the specific date of payment and the amount of the service charge in detail.
(六) 本合同履行期间,该标的房屋的物业费和集中供暖的供暧费(如有) 由甲方承担, 其余发生的与标的房屋有关的其他费用均由乙方自行承担。
During the performance of the Contract, the property management fee of such underlying house and the heating fee (If any) for the central heating system shall be paid by Party A, and the other costs and expenses occurring in relation to the underlying house shall be borne by Party B independently.
Article 4: Party A’s rights and obligations
Party A shall present Party B the relevant certificates proving that Party A has the right to lease the underlying house under this contract.
(二)甲方须按时将整沽的标的房屋及其套内设备设施在良好的状态下交付乙方使用, 并及时消理与《标的房屋交接确认书》无关的设备设施。
Party A shall deliver the underlying house in a tidy condition and the equipment and facilities therein in a good condition to Party B for use, and remove the equipment and facilities in no relation to the “Letter of Confirmation for Handover of Underlying House”.
During the performance of the Contract, Party A shall not enter the underlying house without the consent of Party B, except for the otherwise specially stipulated herein or the special circumstances such as water leakage or firing.
(四)乙方不得损坏房屋设备设施, 如需改变房屋的内部结构和装修或设置影响房屋结构的设备设施, 须先征得甲方书面同意,费用由乙方自理。 退租时, 除本合同另有约定外, 甲方有权要求乙方按原状恢复或向甲方交纳恢复工程所需费用。
Party B shall not cause any damage to the equipment and facilities in the house; in case of the change to the internal structure and decoration of the house or the installation of the equipment and facilities affecting the structure of the house, Party B shall obtain the prior written consent of Party A and pay the costs and expenses fully. Upon the throwing of the lease, Party A shall have the right to require Party B to reinstate the house or pay Party B the costs required for such reinstatement engineering except for the otherwise stipulated in the Contract.
(五) 本合同终止或本合同提前解除时,乙方应与甲方共同清点室内设备设施, 如设备设施良好,且标的房屋的状态与甲方向乙方交房时一致,且乙方已经结清因使用标的房屋所产生的各项费用(包括但不限于水、电、燃气费,上网、 电话费,有线收视费,停车费等)、 完成注册迁出(如有)、 将标的房屋房门钥匙归还甲方后(以下简称 “ 退租手续"),甲方应将全额押金无息退还给乙方,押金退还时间最迟不超过办结退租手续之日后的20个工作日。
Upon the termination of the Contract or the early rescission of the Contract, Party B shall work with Party A to check the indoor equipment and facilities; if such equipment and facilities are in a good condition, and the conditions of the underlying house are consistent with those upon the delivery by Party A to Party B, and Party B has paid off all the costs and expenses arising from the occupation of the underlying house (Including but not limited to the water, electricity and gas charges, Internet access and telephone fees, cable television bill, and parking fee), completed the formalities for registration migration (If any), and handed over the door keys of the underlying house to Party A (Hereinafter referred to as the “throwing formalities”), Party A shall refund the guarantee deposit in full to Party B without the accrual of interest an within twenty (20) working days after going through the formalities for throwing of lease.
(六)甲方有权监督乙方合法使用标的房屋,如因乙方违法行为或乙方违反本合同约定的标的房屋的使用范围、用途或对标的房屋不当使用等,造成甲方须承担任何责任或遭受任何损失的, 由乙方负贲赔偿。如因乙方使用不当致使标的房屋及其附属设备设施损坏或发生故陷, 以及房屋易损易耗设施损坏或发生故降的,乙方应负责修复并承担相关费用:乙方拒不维修的,甲方可代为维修,费用由乙方承担。
Party A shall have the right to supervise Party B to use the underlying house legally; in case of any liability or any loss incurred to Party A due to Party B’s illegal action or Party B’s violation of the application range and purpose of the underlying house as stipulated in the Contract or the improper use of the underlying house, Party B shall be liable for compensation. In case of the damage to or failure in the underlying house and the auxiliary equipment and facilities, and the damage to or failure in the quick-wear and consumable facilities of the house due to the improper use by Party B, Party B shall be responsible for repair and pay the relevant costs; if Party B refuses to repair, Party A may repair on behalf at Party B’s cost.
(七)乙方应于本合同终止当日或本合同提前解除当日乙方将标的房屋腾空、恢复原状或甲方同意接受的状态(甲方无需为保留的装修或添附物向乙方支付任何费用)并交还给甲方。 乙方因将标的房屋恢复原状而造成的装修设施或设备等价值的折损, 甲方无须给予补偿。
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Article 10: Notice and service
(一)除本合同附件1:《入住企业/个人信息表》中列明的通讯地址及联系人外,标的房屋所在地址亦视为本合同项下甲方向乙方发送通知的有效地址及联系人.本合同第【2】页列明的甲方通讯地址及联系人为乙方向甲方发送通知的有效地址及联系人。 双方确认, 除非依照下文第(二)款发生变更, 前述通讯地址为双方发生纠纷时各自诉讼法律文书的有效送达地址。
In addition to the mailing addresses and the contact persons as set forth in the Appendix 1 hereto “Settled Enterprise / Individual Information Table”, the address of the underlying house shall also be deemed as the valid address and contact person for Party A to send the notice to Party B under this contract. Party A’s mailing address and contact person as set forth on Page [2] of this contract shall be the valid address and contact person for Party B to send the notice to Party A. both parties confirm that the aforesaid mailing addresses shall be the valid service address of the parties for the litigation instruments respectively in case of any dispute arising between both parties unless such mailing addresses are changed according to the following Paragraph (B).
(二)一方若指定其他地址、 联系人或地址、 联系人变更,须及时以书面形式通知另一方。怠于通知的一方,应当承担对其不利的法律后果。
If either party designates the other address and contact person or changes the address and contact person, such party shall notify the other party in writing immediately. The party negligent in notification shall undertake the legal consequences which are unfavorable to such party.
(三)如果交快递公司递送或交专人递送,在另一方签收之时视为己送达(在各方通讯地址下任何人的签收均视为收件方的授权签收); 签收之日不明确或因收件方无人接收、 拒收、 迁址导致通知被退回的,以通知递出或交付快递公司或专人后笫五日视为送达:如以挂号邮寄方式发出的,以发出后第五日视为送达:如果经电子邮件发送,则在通知数据电文进入另 一方指定的电子邮箱之时视为己送达,通知数据电文进入另一方指定的电子邮箱之时不明确的,以电子邮件在发件人系统显示发出成功当日视为送达。 除以上送达方式外,甲方亦可在标的房屋门口张贴相关通知或文件, 张贴之日视为送达日。
If the notice is sent to the courier for delivery or delivered by hands, such notice shall be deemed as served when the other party signs for it (Any person’s signature affixed under the mailing address of either party shall be deemed as the authorized signature of the recipient); where the date of sign-for is undefined or the notice is returned due to the unsuccessful receipt and rejection by the recipient or the change of address, such notice shall be deemed as served on the fifth day after the notice is sent or delivered by courier or by hands; if the notice is sent by registered mail, such notice shall be deemed as served on the fifth day after the delivery; if the notice is sent via email, such notice shall be deemed as served when the data message of such notice arrives in the email as designated by the other party; if the time at which the data message of such notice arrives in the email as designated by the other party, the notice shall be deemed as served on the day on which the email is sent successfully as indicated in the sender’s system. In addition to the above modes of service, Party A may also post the relevant notices or documents at the door of the underlying house, and the date of posting shall be deemed as the date of service.
(四)一方向另一方发送涉及本合同项下权利或义务的主张、放弃、变更或解除等重要事宜的通知时, 必须采用书面形式。
Either party must send to the other party the notice of important matters involving the claim, waive, alternation or release of the rights or obligations under the Contract in writing.
Article 11: Miscellaneous
Definition of daily rent
(1)合同月的定义: 以首个合同月为例, 合同月的开始日期为合同起租日期,合同月的结束日期为合同起租日期的月份数字+l、 日期数字-1。
Definition of contractual month: Taking the first contractual month as the example, the starting date of the contractual month shall be deemed as the lease commencement date under the Contract, and the ending date of the contractual month shall be the number of the month within which the lease commencement date under the contract plus 1 and the number of the date minus 1.
(2)日租金的定义: 日租金=月租金/每个 “ 合同月 “ 的自然天数。
Definition of daily rent: Daily rent = Monthly rent / Number of natural days in each “contractual month”.
举例: 合同月租金5000元,预计房款的起止日期为2016年2月15日-2016年5月14日 , 总金额15000元。各合同月对应的日租金如下:
合同月二,3月15日-4月14日,合同月天数为31天,日租金=5000元/31 天=16l.29元;
Example: The amount of the monthly rent under the contract is RMB 5,000 Yuan, and the estimated period corresponding to the house rent is from February 15, 2016 to May 14, 2016, so the total amount shall b RMB 15,000 Yuan. The respective daily rent corresponding to each contractual month is shown as follows:
The first contractual month: From February 15 to March 14, there are 29 days in such contractual month, and the daily rent = RMB 5,000 Yuan/29 days = RMB 172.41 Yuan;
The second contractual month: From March 15 to January 14, there are 31 days in such contractual month, and the daily rent = RMB 5,000 Yuan/31 days = RMB 161.29 Yuan;
The third contractual month: From April 15 to May 14, there are 30 days in such contractual month, and the daily rent = RMB 5,000 Yuan/30 days = RMB 166.67 Yuan;
(3)日服务费的定义: 日服务费=月服务费/每个” 合同月”的自然天数。
Definition of daily service charge: Daily service charge = Monthly service charge / Number of natural days in each “contractual month”.
举例:合同月服务费5000元,预计服务费的起止日期为2016年2月15日-2016年5月14日, 总金额 15000元。各合同月对应的日服务费如下:
Example: The amount of the monthly service charge under the contract is RMB 5,000 Yuan, and the estimated period corresponding to the house service charge is from February 15, 2016 to May 14, 2016, so the total amount shall b RMB 15,000 Yuan. The respective daily service charge corresponding to each contractual month is shown as follows:
The first contractual month: From February 15 to March 14, there are 29 days in such contractual month, and the daily service charge = RMB 5,000 Yuan/29 days = RMB 172.41 Yuan;
The second contractual month: From March 15 to April 14, there are 31 days in such contractual month, and the daily service charge = RMB 5,000 Yuan/31 days = RMB 161.29 Yuan;
The third contractual month: From April 15 to May 14, there are 39 days in such contractual month, and the daily service charge = RMB 5,000 Yuan/30 days = RMB 166.67 Yuan;
Notes to account of payment
租金收取方式: 租金支付方式包括: POS机付款、 支票汇至甲方指定账户, 甲方的租金收款账户如下:
账户名称: _____________________
开户行: _______________________
账 号: ________________________
Collection method of rent: The payment methods of the rent include the payment at POS, and the remittance of cheque to the account as designated by Party A.
Party A’s rent collection account is shown as follows:
Name of account: ____________________________
Deposit bank: _________________________________
Account No.: _________________________________
Article 12: Settlement of dispute and effectiveness of contract
Any dispute arising from the Contract shall be settled by the parties through negotiation; if such negotiation is unsuccessful, the lawsuit shall be brought to the people’s court with competent jurisdiction in the place where the underlying house is located.
The execution and performance of, the interpretation to, and the settlement of dispute under the Contract shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China; for the only purpose of the Contract, the People’s Republic of China referred to herein shall not include Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan.
This agreement is in duplicate, either party holds one. For any matter not covered herein, the supplementary terms and conditions shall be entered into otherwise. Both the supplementary terms and conditions and the appendices hereto shall constitute an integral part of this agreement, and have the same legal effect as this agreement.
This agreement is entered into on __________, and comes into effect upon the online APP confirmation by Party B or the offline confirmation by signing on paper document or the traditional seal affixed by Party B.
Lessor (Party A): ____________________________
Party A’s Seal:______________________________
Agent: __________________
Lessee (Party B):
Party B’s Seal: ____________________________